Recall what we said about the Brain
Myth #2: A person's personality displays a right -brain or left -brain
dominance. Fact: The two sides
are intricately co- dependent.
This myth holds that a right -brain person is generally creative, intuitive, artsy, while a left -brain person is more of a problem -solver, more linear, logical. The myth arose from genuine science, but new imaging technology has shown that the brain is more interdep endent than once thought. The myth probably took root in the 1800s, when scientists discovered that an injury to one side of the brain often cause d a loss of specific abilities. For example, spatial abilities seemed to reside in the right side of the brain, with language in the left. The myth gained ground in the 1960s, when scientists studied epilepsy patients who had surgery to sever the connection between the two hemispheres.
But more recently, brain scan technology has revealed that the hemispheres' roles are not quite so cut - and- dried as once thought. The two hemispheres are in fact highly complementary. For example, language processing, once believed to be left - hemisphere- only, is now understood to take place in both hemispheres: the left side processes grammar and pronunciation while the right processes intonation.
What remains true is that t he right side of the brain controls the left side of the body and vice versa.
Take this test to find your dominant hemisphere. Do you agree with the result?
This myth holds that a right -brain person is generally creative, intuitive, artsy, while a left -brain person is more of a problem -solver, more linear, logical. The myth arose from genuine science, but new imaging technology has shown that the brain is more interdep endent than once thought. The myth probably took root in the 1800s, when scientists discovered that an injury to one side of the brain often cause d a loss of specific abilities. For example, spatial abilities seemed to reside in the right side of the brain, with language in the left. The myth gained ground in the 1960s, when scientists studied epilepsy patients who had surgery to sever the connection between the two hemispheres.
But more recently, brain scan technology has revealed that the hemispheres' roles are not quite so cut - and- dried as once thought. The two hemispheres are in fact highly complementary. For example, language processing, once believed to be left - hemisphere- only, is now understood to take place in both hemispheres: the left side processes grammar and pronunciation while the right processes intonation.
What remains true is that t he right side of the brain controls the left side of the body and vice versa.
Take this test to find your dominant hemisphere. Do you agree with the result?